Xooa Resource Library

The Xooa Resource Library is a repository of various resources that are used by us at Xooa to provide you with various features to prepare and deploy the Smart Contract.

VS Code Plugin

The VS Code extension enables you to quickly deploy and upgrade your blockchain applications on Xooa run ledgers, i.e. Hyperledger Fabric or Ethereum, directly from your IDE.


The Xooa CLI tool enables you to quickly get started with initializing repositories with starter smart contracts in a language of your choice and compatible with either the Hyperledger Fabric or Ethereum network. You can also deploy and upgrade your applications to the Xooa run ledgers.


The Xooa client SDKs are available in Go, PHP, Javascript, C#, Python, Java and Ruby languages. The SDKs refers to smart contract APIs available for the Xooa platform.

Jenkins Plugin

The Xooa Jenkins plugin allows pipeline-compatible steps to upgrade your blockchain application on Xooa.

Third-Party Resources

In addition to the resources that we have provided, we also provide various third party resources that can help you in understanding various aspects of blockchain and smart contracts.

What is blockchain technology?

IBM’s Brittany Manchisi provides a high-level overview of blockchain, curating some great video tutorials that give a good introduction to both the business and technology, while giving her own take on the same.

Private blockchain

When people think of blockchain, they usually think of public blockchain networks like Bitcoin’s. But private blockchains are more relevant to most enterprise use cases. IBM explains.

What is Hyperledger Fabric?

Hyperledger Fabric is a blockchain framework implementation and one of the Hyperledger projects hosted by The Linux Foundation. Get to know what makes it one of the most popular and successful private blockchain frameworks.

Chaincode tutorials

Ready to get serious? Chaincode is Hyperledger Fabric’s implementation of smart contracts.

Validate your yaml file before deploying an app

YAML is a human-readable data serialization language. Xooa uses YAML to figure out how to deploy smart contracts to the platform.

Last updated: June 02, 2021