
Follow the below steps to create your own NFT Marketplace:

  1. Login to

  2. Click Login.

  3. Click Login to Xooa App Platform.

  4. Click Deploy on the User Minted NFT Marketplace tile in the New from Solution Template.

  5. In the popup window, provide a name and description for the marketplace.

  6. Select the ledger you want NFT Marketplace to be deployed on. Xooa Ledger is available to you by default.

  7. Click Deploy.

  8. Refresh the page to see the newly created marketplace tile. Once you deploy the app, you will be redirected to the design console.


Design Console

This is the default console option selected. It allows you the ability to create and manage apps, ledgers, networks etc.

This console provides the full-feature set of the Xooa platform to you. Once the blockchain app is ready to use, you can either use the blockchain app as-it-is or share the app with other users to provide the runtime capability to other users.

Runtime UI

This is the console available for app users. You can run the apps shared with you in this console. The view and permissions provided to the app users can be accessed only.

It declutters the Xooa console, allowing only the runtime capabilities of the app. It is focused on providing access to the end-users who don’t have to worry about the design of the app.

Multi-language support is available for the runtime console. To avail of this feature, get in touch with the Xooa sales team.