
Unable to sign in

  • Make sure you are signing in using the same sign-in option you used when signing up for Xooa.
  • Make sure Popup Blocker is not blocking Google or GitHub login popups from opening.

Unable to reset password

Please check your email for the verification code. Please enter code in the first field and new password in the second field to reset the password.

App deployment

App deployment failed after clicking on Deploy. An error message is displayed. Listed below are some of the common errors that can occur and the quick resolutions that can be applied.

Error: transaction returned with failure: Incorrect number of arguments.

Make sure the number of arguments and the data type of arguments expected while initializing the smart contract is correctly specified. Use Advanced section during app deployment to specify Smart-Contract Init Arguments.

Error: transaction returned with failure: Index: 0, Size: 0

Make sure the number of arguments and the data type of arguments expected while initializing the smart contract is correctly specified. Use Advanced section during app deployment to specify Smart-Contract Init Arguments.

Failed to send Proposal and receive all good ProposalResponse

Make sure that init arguments provided to the app are of data type string.

Service unavailable

Report an issue with Xooa. A server error has occurred.

\<variable_name\> declared and not used

GoLang smart contract app only: It is a compilation error in your smart contract. Remove the mentioned variable from the smart contract.

Failed to execute transaction xxxxxxxxxx: error starting container

  • Make sure only a single smart contract is present at the given path.
  • Make sure chaincode path does not contain smart contract file name for Hyperledger Fabric network deployment. It should only contain the path of the smart contract. eg. “/smartContract/”.

Space not allowed in Smart Contract path

Make sure the smart contract path doesn’t contain any spaces including the folder name of the smart contract.

Error starting container. Please verify you invoked Maven from the correct directory.

Java smart contract app only: Make sure you have included build.gradle file.

Transaction returned with failure: Returning error

Your smart contract’s init function has returned an error. Review your smart contract.

Chaincode doesn't exist

Provided path of smart contract does not contain the smart contract file in your GitHub repository. Provide correct smart contract path.

Error starting container. Missing return at end of function.

Make sure smart contract functions include a return statement.

\<filename\> doesn't exist.

Local upload only: Smart contract path does not contain the smart contract file. Provide correct smart contract path along with the file name if uploading a zip file. eg. “/smartContract/get-set.go”

Error: Could not find Solidity version range in source

Solidity smart contract app only: Make sure that pragma directive specifying compiler version is present in the smart contract.

Enrollment failed with errors

If your blockchain network is with a different cloud provider, make sure that you have provided correct “Registrar” details.

If you are using the Xooa ledger, report an issue with Xooa.

Calling register endpoint failed with error [Error: connect ECONNREFUSED]

External Network only. Check if your CA server is running at the provided address.

Enrollment failed with errors [[{"code":20,"message":"Authentication failure"}]]

External Network: Make sure that your CA server credentials are correct. Xooa ledger: Report an issue with Xooa.

Invalid JSON RPC response

Ethereum DLT only. This is a temporary issue that occurs with Ethereum DLT. Retry app deployment after some time. Report an issue with Xooa only if the issue is persistent.

Transaction returned with failure: error sending RESPONSE: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing

This is a temporary issue. Retry app deployment after some time. Report an issue with Xooa only if the issue is persistent.

Calling register endpoint failed, CONNECTION Timeout

This is a temporary issue. Retry app deployment after some time. Report an issue with Xooa only if the issue is persistent.

Problem setting up the event hub Error: ChannelEventHub has been shutdown,

This is a temporary issue. Retry app deployment after some time. Report an issue with Xooa only if the issue is persistent.

The invoke chaincode transaction was invalid, code:MVCC_READ_CONFLICT on

This issue gets raised if you are trying a transaction with the same key multiple times. Check your transaction.

access denied channel

External network: Make sure that the peer is joined to the channel. Xooa ledger: Report an issue with Xooa.

getaddrinfo EMFILE

This is a temporary issue. Retry app deployment after some time. Report an issue with Xooa only if the issue is persistent.

{\"error\":\"make sure the chaincode xxxxxx has been successfully instantiated and try again: chaincode xxxxxxx not found\"}}}

Report an issue with Xooa.

failed to execute transaction xxxxxxx: [channel chlogin-xooa-blockchainpaas-sandeepxooa] could not launch chaincode xxxxx:xxxxx: chaincode registration failed: container exited with 137\“}”

Check your smart contract for any compilation error. If problem persists, report an issue with Xooa.


Invoking/Querying smart contract function returns 401 response code

Make sure you have authorized API call with a correct API token.

Invoking/Querying smart contract function returns error: Timeout expired while executing transaction

  • Make sure your smart contract function definition does not have an infinite loop.
  • Make sure your smart contract function does not have a divide by zero error.

Invoking/Querying smart contract function returns 202 response code

You will receive 202 response code when you have set Async as true or when the API call is taking more time to execute than the timeout specified. Use Result APIs specified here to get the result of the API request.

Invoking smart contract function returns 403 response code

Make sure you have authorized the API call with a correct API token. The associated identity may not have the required permissions to perform the requested operation.

Last updated: June 02, 2021