General Marketplace

The General marketplace provides a page to showcase the works of various artists and creators. This is the home page where you can browse, mint, sell or buy NFTs.

The page has NFT metadata with names, images with description, and the sale price.

Use boolean search options to optimise your search based on specifics such as Name, Sale Price, Editions Lowest Ask, Categories and Media Type.

Add filters to sort and display results from oldest to new, arranged based on name, sale price and editions highest or lowest ask.

NFT Wallet

NFT Wallet is a page where users can view the NFTs they own. The page displays all the NFTs minted by users and bought by collectors.


Setup the profile page to display your personalized logo, cover image, important information such as user bio, social media links, wallet address and the view of the storefront. The seller storefront displays the user minted and purchased tokens with their transaction history.

Apply filters to search for tokens with Editions lowest ask and Sale price. Sort the search results from oldest to new, arrange based on name, sale price and editions highest or lowest ask.

Use this page to market your profile and to establish yourself as an NFT marketplace user.

Money Wallet

Money wallet is where sellers can view their balance in cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies.

It facilitates the following actions:

  • Users can create a seller account to become a seller

  • Complete Stripe verification

  • Connect with the crypto wallet to accept crypto payments

  • View the total amount of fiat currency and cryptocurrency available

  • Add bank details and request for fiat payouts

  • View audit details of all the transactions

Rights Marketplace

Rights are the set of rules that defines the ownership statement, royalty fee, license details and the transaction history of an asset. Minting rights allows transparency in terms of easy access to the rights holder to review and manage their digital assets.

The rights marketplace page allows users to mint rights to the assets, claim ownership or claim exclusive copyrights to sell the items on digital platforms. The rights owner can mint rights and set the ownership details of the asset. A moderator can view and delist the token and its editions, and the admin can only view and buy the asset.

Apply filters to search for tokens based on Sale price, Editions lowest ask, Categories and Media Type. Sort the search results from oldest to new, arrange based on name, sale price and editions highest or lowest ask.