Public Blockchain Minting

When will a token be minted on the public blockchain?

When the user purchases the first token on the Xooa platform and it is successfully transferred to the buyer, then the token will be automatically minted on the public blockchain and available on the OpenSea platform.

Some of the scenarios when this can happen, are listed below:

  1. If the buyers have purchased from Ether through their crypto wallet, then the token will be transferred to their wallet address

  2. If the buyers have purchased from FIAT through Stripe, then based on the condition that their Metamask wallet is connected and if they have logged in using their Metamask account; the token will be transferred to the wallet address. However, if neither of the conditions are met, then the token will be transferred to the custody address.

What happens when the token is sold outside of Xooa app?

The ownership of the token will be updated on the Xooa app. If it is a Xooa user, then the token will be shown in their ledger. If not a Xooa user, then the ownership will be exported to custody form on the Xooa app. The ownership will be transferred when the user creates an account on the Xooa app.

What happens when the tokens are sold in Xooa with different payment options?

Some of the scenarios when this can happen, are listed below:

  1. If the buyers have purchased from Ether through their crypto wallet, then the token will be transferred to their wallet address

  2. If the buyers have purchased from FIAT through Stripe, then based on the condition that their Metamask wallet is connected and if they have logged in using their Metamask account; the token will be transferred to the wallet address. However, if neither of the conditions are met, then the token will be transferred to the custody address.

What is a custody account?

For a user to purchase the token, they must have either an Ether or a crypto wallet connected to their account. Users cannot transfer ownership outside Xooa nor can they mint tokens on the public platform. If a token is not connected to a wallet address, it will be sent to the custody account. The ownership of the token is transferred once the user connects to a crypto wallet.

How to claim a token on Xooa when bought outside the platform?

If it is a Xooa registered user, then the token will be transferred immediately to their wallet. Unregistered users who have bought tokens from other platforms, must register with Xooa by connecting their wallet (Metamask or Ethereum) that was used for those purchases. The ownership of the tokens will be transferred then.

How to claim a token on public chain when token is bought with Fiat payment?

Some of the scenarios when it can happen, are listed below:

  1. If the buyers have purchased from Ether through their crypto wallet, then the token will be transferred to their wallet address

  2. If the buyers have purchased from FIAT through Stripe, then based on the condition that their metamask wallet is connected and if they’ve logged in using their Metamask account; the token will be transferred to the wallet address. However, if neither of the conditions are met, then the token will be transferred to the custody address.

How to import a token in OpenSea?

Tokens bought on Xooa platform will be available on OpenSea as well. You can continue transactions by logging into OpenSea using the same wallet address that was used on Xooa platform.

How can I add a token in my Metamask wallet?

When you connect the crypto wallet, the token is added automatically.

What is the concept of Gas less transactions in Xooa and who pays the gas fees?

For gasless transactions, a relay is created on the app’s design console. Users need not pay any gas fees while minting the token. The app owner will pay the gas fees.

Which blockchain networks are supported for minting tokens?

Currently, Ethereum and Polygon networks are supported for minting. The app owner decides on the network and connects it on the app in the design console. The tokens will be minted on that network.

What is the fee for listing for sale on OpenSea?

The listing fee is the sale percentage set on the secondary sale field when setting up the public blockchain minting of the app.

Who pays the gas fees for reselling on OpenSea?

It is a gas less transaction, there will be no Gas fees for reselling on OpenSea.

Where can I check the transaction history for the tokens minted from OpenSea?

Users can check all the transactions of a token on OpenSea and Xooa Platform (only if registered).

Can I withdraw a token from the Public blockchain?


To whom should I report a fraudulent token?

If user is not registered with Xooa, then they can only report on Opensea. If the user is registered with both Xooa and OpenSea, then they can report on either of the platforms by clicking the feedback button.

How do royalties work?

While selling on OpenSea, you can see the seller fees and OpenSea fees, royalties is derived from the seller fees. It may be deducted depending on the collection and as defined in the public blockchain minting settings.

What happens to tokens paid with credit cards?

If you have paid with your credit card and your wallet is linked, then the token will be transferred to that wallet address. However, if the wallet is not connected, then it will be stored in the custody account until you link your wallet.

Will my token show in my wallet even if I’m not on OpenSea?

Yes. The token is associated with your wallet address even though you are not registered with OpenSea. Once you sign up on OpenSea using the same wallet address, the token will be available for you.

Is OpenSea the only marketplace supported by Xooa?

Yes. However, we encourage you to watch this space as we gear up to support other platforms soon.

How to enable Public Blockchain Minting?
  1. Create Relay and NFT metadata template

  2. In the design console -> go to Legal -> use it in the contracts section

  3. Ensure to use the same contract address while minting tokens so that the tokens will be minted on the public blockchain with the same address.

What is a Relay?

A Relay defines on which network the public blockchain minting must happen such as, on Polygon or Rinkeby. If relay was created by the app owner, then users need not pay the gas fees for minting on public blockchain as the app owner will be responsible for paying. For e.g; If Xooa is the app owner, it must keep some crypto in its wallet and while minting gas fees, the amount will be deducted from this wallet address.

How do I configure a relay?

To configure Relay, you must use the same API key and API secret which was generated on openzeppelin while creating a relay on the design console.

What details must be provided under Name, API Key and API Secret to create Relays?

In the Name field, you must provide unique ID which you want to use as a reference while minting the token and under API Key and API Secret you must provide the same details which was generated on OpenZeppelin.

What is NFT Metadata template?

When a token is minted on the public blockchain, the properties under name, description, image URL, animation URL, attributes will be clubbed as a part of the contract and manifested on OpenSea.

What details must be provided to configure NFT Metadata template and why?

Template Name, Name, Description, Image URL, Animation URL, Attributes must be provided to configure the NFT metadata in the design console. These details are predefined, and you can add attributes. These details are required to show the information of the token to the end user.

What is a Collection?

A Collection is a smart contract. Collection defines how transactions should be processed, how royalties get disbursed, where should transaction metadata be stored, how tokens must be minted and transferred etc.

How to deploy a Collection?

To deploy the collection, you must provide mandatory information such as Name, collection Logo, Symbol, Description, NFT Data mapping template and Relay in the collection form.

Should we deploy multiple collections to integrate other marketplaces?

You need not deploy multiple collections for different marketplaces. The collection written and used on the public blockchain can be imported to any of the supported marketplaces.

What is collection name, collection logo, symbol and description in the Contract form?

Each collection of tokens must have a name for easy search. The collection logo and symbols are used against each token for identification. Description provides the information about the token.

What is NFT Data mapping template and Relay in contract form?

The NFT Metadata and Relay which you have created on the design console, the same should be provided in contract form, such that the contract which you built on the public blockchain must consist of all details.

How does the disbursement of royalties happen in case of multiple recipients?

Once OpenSea releases the Royalties, the recipients can check on ether scan to claim royalty amount by connecting the wallet address and paying the Gas fees.