
  • The user role must be a drop admin to access the Create Drop form of the application.
  • If the user wants to purchase an NFT with crypto currency the admin must select the Enable Crypto Payments checkbox from Payments and Fees in the design console. The user must link the crypto wallet to the money wallet.

The drop admin can follow the below steps to create a regular drop in My Drops page.



  • The fields can be managed through a Create Drop form from the design console. The admin can drag and drop new fields or edit/remove the existing fields from this form based on the information required for an NFT. For more information, refer to Create Drop form.
  • The drop admin must mint NFTs with Future Drop before creation of drop. For more information on minting NFTs, refer to Mint Collectible.
  • Fields with an asterisk (*) symbol are a mandatory field.
  1. Click My Drops from the menu.
  2. Click Create Drop from the My Drops page.
  3. Click the Regular option available in the Create Drop form. The drop admin must provide the following information:

  4. Click Create to create a regular drop.